Monday 23 April 2012

Best cleaning methods for jewellery at home

Caring for and cleaning your valued jewellery is a very neglected aspect of personal adornment. Most people do not know what chemicals or cleaning agents are safe to use and will give the best cleaning results. I am a professional goldsmith, stone setter and jewellery designer with over 17 years experience in the jewellery industry. My aim is to help the general public to better understand the process of buying, caring for and cleaning their jewellery pieces to maximise the lifespan and beauty of the items.

The easiest as well as the cheapest method to clean jewellery at home is to make your own cleaning agent with chemials available in most homes. This can be done with about one tablespoon of anti-bacterial dishwashing liquid and one teaspoon of houshold ammonia that is dissolved in a cup of warm water (250ml). Immerse your gold, silver or platinum jewellery piece in the soap solution for about 5 minutes. Do not use on pearls and mabes! Then use an old, worn but clean toothbrush to scrub the jewellery piece. Make sure you reach all the nooks and awkward little spaces where dirt, handcream, bodylotion and sweat can accumulate. After a decent scrub, rinse the jewellery item under running water to remove all traces of the soap solution. Now pat dry with a clean, soft towel and you are done! P.S, never use toothpaste to scrub jewellery as it contains abrasive compounds that can damage soft stones like tanzanite, peridot and a few others.

Ultasonic cleaning is proably the best method of all. Smaller models for home use are available from some of the bigger grocery and appliance stores. Some jewellery shops and jewellery tool suppliers also stock ultrasonic cleaners. Many different soap solutions can be used in these cleaners, but it is best to follow the manufacturer's spescifications. Alternatively you can use the soap solution as described above.

It is advisable to take your jewellery items to a manufacturing jeweller every six months or so for a thourough clean and inspection to check the integrity of stone settings and the general condition of the item/s. Your jeweller will advise you on any repairs, polishing or securing of stones that needs to be done.

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